
As a private company, Custom Home Care Ltd. strives to provide a bespoke care package designed for individual needs. You are in control. Your care is our first priority.


We currently have availabiltiy in the central and south-eastern  areas of Sheffield covering S2, S3, S4, S12, S13, S14, S20.

Our Philosophy

We aim to respect our client's privacy, dignity and lifestyle in the way we work with them. Our care will be provided in the least intrusive way possible and we will treat our clients and people associated with them with courtesy at all times.


Our carers are sensitive and responsive to race, culture, religion, age, disability, gender and sexuality of our clients, their family and representatives.


It is Custom Home Care Ltd.'s ethos to carry out care with the client rather than for them wherever possible, in order to maintain independence and autonomy.

What happens next? - Setting up your care plan

When we receive notification of your interest in our services, we will contact you to arrange an initial visit. A Senior Care Worker will come to see you before the service starts and set up a care plan and a risk assessment in consultation with you. 


The personal care plan is a description of the help you need from us and how you would like it to be given. It provides us with a set of instructions or tasks. The Senior Care Worker will consult with you or your representative about its contents and you will sign a contract to confirm your agreement with us and provide your consent to receive the service. Your carers will be briefed on the plan before they visit and a copy is left in your home to which you and your carer may refer. If there are any changes to the care plan, they must be agreed in advance (unless this is during a normal review). 


You will also be left with a Client User Guide and the Senior Care Worker will also go through this with you at the time of their visit.


A Shift Supervisor at the office will use the information in your personal care plan and the risk assessment to match you with carers who best meet your needs. 


To help us care for you, you will need to provide us with suitable cleaning materials and ensure that all equipment is safe to use, such as washing up liquid, floor cleaning products, vacuum cleaner if required etc.


We will review your personal care plan every 6 months or more frequently if your needs change, there is an accident, an incident or if your carer asks us.


The process is the same for private clients who are not on direct payments, except that when we draw up the personal care plan with private clients, we we will ask them to sign a private contract. The quality of care delivered to clients paying for their own care is the same as those clients whose care is paid through Direct Payment.


Latest CQC review: 3 March 2022

Custom Home Care Ltd.

560 City Road

Norfolk Park


S2 1GE

Phone: 0114 275 9703

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© 2014 - 2025 Custom Home Care Ltd.
Website and contents developed and maintained by Katia M. Davis.
Graphics created by Katia M. Davis. Images under subscription licence
CQC Reg. No.: 1-1848030543